my mind is telling me that the new password is the name of this picture. unfortunately i'm not smart enough to know how to find that name. anybody happen to already know it?
The picture is saved as "thesoulof.jpg". So I wonder if that has to do with anything. Then I'm curious about the seemingly random word "pass" placed in the post as well.
Okay I found out about the painting. It's called Gustave Doré Francesca and Paolo (1833-1883) And when I searched further I found a link to "The Divine Comedy: Canto V".
Man, that's not fair!! I always claim to be this huge fan of Showbread (don't get me wrong, I am) but I've never once seen them in concert! I can never find a ride.... I want to so bad though =[
You guys found the track labeled "surveillance" on the Raw rock militia myspace right? I was following this earlier but a Vacation from the internet put me hopelessly behind.
Well I would think that it says "the souls of ___", which I believe are the souls of Paolo & Francesca, that they would be either the username or password. I just can't figure it out though.
The souls of something... I've been googling the Divine Comedy, canto V, and some options I've been trying are 'the damned' 'the lustful' and 'the lovers'. Also 'francesca and paolo' in various combos. Maybe if we all tell what we're trying something will click for someone.
final thought: I couldn't get into the secondsamuel account with the scripture passwords from last post; either I'm dumb or that password has changed too, we could work on that..
giverny, i think that's a good idea. and the password for the last one isn't changed, it's still proverbs1210
for these accounts: mywillbedone, my_will_be_done, and iammyownmaster i've tried: pauloandfrancesca paulofrancesca paulo&francesca (and all of those reversed, with paolo first) francescadarimini fracescadapolenta divinecomedycanto5 (also with "the" and "v" and other variations) infernocanto5
gah, and a good bit more but... heh, i think i'm done for the day. =)
so on the ==transcripts== message, DF and KF are dance floor and killing floor
then on ==exhibits==...the window in the picture of the dance floor, is the same window that is in the background of the killing floor pic...
and as far as ==transmitions==center==, we do know that there is a primary focus at the 120...but is there a different primary focus at the center? i think so...
final notes... it seems to me that they use the terms subject 3 for the subject at the 120, and the term subject c for the it's possible that subjects from the 120 have nothing to do with subjects from the center...
but it's also possible that they know each other, maybe relatives?
"Thus, subject C, still “innocent”, will learn the thickness of true selfishness early on. Combining our efforts, we can instill in her a love for self, perhaps as strong as her mother’s"
Subject C has to be a baby/toddler b/c the term innocent is used, and babies learn things "early on" and it usually sticks with them.
I don't about that Mystro...they refer to the monster as now dormant. And remember that some people got letters about the center about the subject? And most of the reports were negative for whatever diseases and such. I think they're only saying they'll corrupt her more then the diseases did.
HAHAHA! ohhhh i thought i misspelled it on the comment, with 'paulo' instead of 'paolo' - cause 'paolo' was how i was trying it as a password. i'm glad i checked here one more time tonight.
Well what it sounds like to me is that this is a problem, because they said it not a concern and that the shall seek refuge in the dwindling of her parents. Maybe with the monster in there, there was less hope for the child & parents and easier access to them? Just a thought.
so maybe they're goal is to make this thing feel only for self, and to do that they hurt it by taking evrything away. kinda like the origins of Doomsday, to create a ultimate self sufficient being
so i'm thinking the 'concern of their labors' isn't physical but spiritual stuff. they don't mind that she's getting well as long as they can foster selfishness in her.
The 'monster' seems to be a sickness of some sort. In a sense, the deaths head seem to want to save her from sickness to use for their own end. And I think C=Christopher=the blond girl in the one picture. Though maybe Christopher is the deaths head that is sending the transmission.
ah, and maybe the primary focus is an entire family? and by saying that the primary focus was introduced into the 120, it doesn't necessarily mean the whole family- just one person/part of the family unit, which would affect the primary focus/family as a whole.
Remember that mp3, "the truth"? I think that has something to do with this sickness they're talking about. Cause it said something in there about HIV and things like that...
Another thought... "Her father is now aware of the touch his wife has felt many times over from the hands of another man." So is his wife maybe a stripper or something at the 120, and on another email it said, "now that subject 3 has introduced the primary focus into the 120 for practical purposes, the condition of self has been ushered into a strong new era for her."
will someone please email me and catch me up, i havent been able to get on a computer since ive been working a kids youth church camp all week, thanks a ton
ok, so here's what I've kinda put together, alright, Christopher's mom, works at the 120, i'm guessing as a dancer or whatever, subject 3 is of course the guy in the pic, is the other man besides Christopher's dad who has touched Christopher's mom, if that makes any sense
i agree with bryan, it would be good to have all our ideas in one place. i posted ALL the emails on giverny's blog. they're not all in date order, but they're organized by email, and they're all in one place... so maybe that will help us put some things together.
if anybody wants to get creative and put the pictures in where i've described them that'd be cool. =)
Maybe the picture is of the neon light woman and the man was put there to throw us off.
On on the email titled 120, "now that subject 3 has introduced the primary focus into the 120 for practical purposes, the condition of self has been ushered into a strong new era for her."
I assumed that it was talking about subject 3, and it sort of coincides with the new email that says "instill a love of self as strong as her mother's"
I think the "primary focus" is the her that the e-mail was referring to.
And the her in the second part was talking about Subject C. Which reminds me, I'm pretty sure that Christopher is the Death Head moth that is watching the little girl, codenamed subject C. I think she's just codenamed that because it's "C"hristopher who is watching her, and they don't know her real name, or don't want to reveal her real name.
And it says subject 3 will have an important role in the nurturing of the primary focus (at the 120). That tells me that by "nurturing" it, he's in essence making her selfish and wanting to be "sowing her wild oats". So, I think Subject 3 is having an affair with the primary focus.
Maybe you're right matty b?? I'm going to have to look at it some more? I can see how since the little girl is subject C, and the picture is titled christopher, that the little girl is probably assigned to Christopher.
Also, is it a possibility that the primary focus is the stripper mother then? And if subject 3 is the nose-picking man, then he would be "nurturing" the primary focus...
I don't think the unidentified guy is Rudkus. Because just before Ona goes off to dance with unidentified Jurgis asks her "Hey, where is Rud?" So obviously Rudkus hasn't made an appearance yet.
this is probably nothing but ive gottena feww emails in my spam that have some interesting lines in htem as if they might be involved. the only downside is its a spam message for guys. but if you ignore the picture, it might connect
i put my new (and probably soon to be unlikely) theory on the site, it would be great if anybody felt like agreeing with or challenging it. =)
val's theory is pretty much what i said earlier... except i think that rudkus is with jurgis, not ona... and also, i think that jurgis and rudkus are on bad terms right now...
my reasoning for that, is because ona tells jurgis that rudkus is coming, and jurgis starts to feel uneasy and wants to leave...
actually ona says that rudkus never comes, and jurgis still wants to leave. that's from the sinai495 email. to me it makes more sense that jurgis is trying to bring the subject of rudkus up to his wife ona. i think jurgis may be in a severed relationship of her own, but we don't know much about that yet.
cory- i just posted that verse cuz it didn't look like anyone had posted the specific verse, someone had just mentioned that it's from the lord's prayer
i've been busy with this student intership i'm doing at church so i really have NO CLUE what's been going on in the past couple posts... lol
we're the third party, and the initial problem remains to be seen... but my personal thoughts are that the initial problem is God, at least for them... because most everybody here is Christian...but we dont know for sure yet
Hey, can someone put the transcript(s) from the mp3s on the rawrock militia site? Does anyone have them? I've looked at the other posts, but can't find a full length one.
i was having a thought... if the 004 has been sent to 'aid' us, what does that mean? and what if... well, it's possible that one of the heads has a normal name (christopher) so maybe the 004 could be- ha, nevermind. i don't want to know.
When ever I surf on web I never forget to visit this website[url=].[/url]You have really contiributed very good info here Frankly speaking we really do not pay attention towards our health. In plain english I must warn you that, you are not serious about your health. Recent Research presents that about 50% of all USA adults are either fat or overweight[url=].[/url] Hence if you're one of these individuals, you're not alone. In fact, most of us need to lose a few pounds once in a while to get sexy and perfect six pack abs. Now next question is how you can achive quick weight loss? [url=]Quick weight loss[/url] is really not as tough as you think. If you improve some of your daily diet habbits then, its like piece of cake to quickly lose weight.
About me: I am blogger of [url=]Quick weight loss tips[/url]. I am also mentor who can help you lose weight quickly. If you do not want to go under painful training program than you may also try [url=]Acai Berry[/url] or [url=]Colon Cleansing[/url] for fast weight loss.
my mind is telling me that the new password is the name of this picture.
unfortunately i'm not smart enough to know how to find that name.
anybody happen to already know it?
Is this part of the lord's prayer?
I'm trying to find the name of the painting, but I have no idea where to start.
im takeing an art class at 3 and i will ask my teacher if we cant figure it out
The picture is saved as "thesoulof.jpg".
So I wonder if that has to do with anything.
Then I'm curious about the seemingly random word "pass" placed in the post as well.
its title is most likely the souls of ______ and the blank is probably the pass
Okay I found out about the painting.
It's called Gustave Doré Francesca and Paolo
And when I searched further I found a link to "The Divine Comedy: Canto V".
And something about Dante's Inferno Canto 5.
I can't look up much further I have to go, but maybe someone can make something of it?
wow good job!
Dante and Virgil saw Paolo and Francesca condemned to hell with the souls of the lustful in Canto Five of the Inferno.
sorry Kristin,
once again I'm sure it is very obvious.
"mywillbedone" is a valid email address. maybe thats it?
Yeah. I've been trying passwords on mywillbedone for about 20 minutes now.
haha, that's exactly what i'm doing. i got nothin so far though.
Hey Mary, I just sent that stuff to your myspace.
my_will_be_done is also a valid ID, but since when have they had underscores? That's right, they haven't.
maybe the password is in some way related to the lord's prayer.
Is anyone wondering why it appears that they randomly put "pass" there as well?
I'm sure it has to do something with it somehow...
when the account is locked for 12 hours, does that mean locked on just my computer or for anyone?
I agree with what leonawendy said: It's probably the souls of _____ and the blank is the password.
mywillbedone is locked on my computer too.
It's not locked up on mine, but I'm trying different passwords for francescaandpaolo.
ive tried every version of paolo and francesca and it still wont work...
there have been underscores in these before, remember fourteen_six_john?
if it's locked, try clearing your browser's cache/internet files. if you keep trying it after it's locked, it will restart the 12 hour time period.
*sigh* and i've tried a million variations of paolo/francesca, also lots of different ways with inferno, divine comedy, canto 5, lust... ah well.
ive tried amillion passwords. nothing. ooo but im seeing showbread tonight :]
Man, that's not fair!! I always claim to be this huge fan of Showbread (don't get me wrong, I am) but I've never once seen them in concert! I can never find a ride.... I want to so bad though =[
I don't know if this helps or not, but when looking up the painting, I found it to have been inspired by this line..
Gustave Doré (1833-1883)
“Love led the two of us unto one death.”
Dante, Inferno V.108
so It makes sense to me that the title would be "the souls of... love" or "the souls of... one"
and when I looked up pass in a latin to english dictionary I got this
abeo : to pass, to have been.
I dunno... just thinking aloud
You guys found the track labeled "surveillance" on the Raw rock militia myspace right? I was following this earlier but a Vacation from the internet put me hopelessly behind.
yeah, surveillance is old news
Well I would think that it says "the souls of ___", which I believe are the souls of Paolo & Francesca, that they would be either the username or password.
I just can't figure it out though.
You know, the iammyownmaster password is changed, and 'my will be done' sounds like it connects to that account..
am i the only one who thinks it's kinda weird that it says 'my will be done' and not 'thy will be done' ?
i'm with giverny
yeah I think Giverny is right too. And yes I do find it strange that it doesn't say "thy will be done".
hmmm very curious this one is...
i think giverny might be right... but i have no idea... i will see if i cant find the email/pass me-self...
Don't know how much it matters, but the original artwork says:
"Bard! willingly I would address those two together coming, Which seem so light before the wind."
The souls of something... I've been googling the Divine Comedy, canto V, and some options I've been trying are 'the damned' 'the lustful' and 'the lovers'. Also 'francesca and paolo' in various combos. Maybe if we all tell what we're trying something will click for someone.
final thought: I couldn't get into the secondsamuel account with the scripture passwords from last post; either I'm dumb or that password has changed too, we could work on that..
giverny, i think that's a good idea. and the password for the last one isn't changed, it's still proverbs1210
for these accounts: mywillbedone, my_will_be_done, and iammyownmaster
i've tried:
(and all of those reversed, with paolo first)
divinecomedycanto5 (also with "the" and "v" and other variations)
gah, and a good bit more but... heh, i think i'm done for the day. =)
yikes, i misspelled things! but you know what i meant.
val, you were right!
it is for iammyownmaster, so kudos giverny, and the second password val tried worked for me.
So you figured it out?? I'm lost?
THat's what it sounds like, but it didn't work for me.
yeah, there is a pretty detailed update from the heads now, getting less vague and more revealing.
So you figured it out?? Help me out.
try it again, just copy and paste the second password
so on the ==transcripts== message, DF and KF are dance floor and killing floor
then on ==exhibits==...the window in the picture of the dance floor, is the same window that is in the background of the killing floor pic...
and as far as ==transmitions==center==, we do know that there is a primary focus at the 120...but is there a different primary focus at the center? i think so...
final notes...
it seems to me that they use the terms subject 3 for the subject at the 120, and the term subject c for the it's possible that subjects from the 120 have nothing to do with subjects from the center...
but it's also possible that they know each other, maybe relatives?
I wonder if the monster that it's talking about that was devouring her insides is cancer or a succubi?
Also, subject C = Christopher? subject C is Christopher...
And apparently now The Death Heads are planning something for us in 4 days or less...
oh!, and i would like to add... the message about christopher...
okay, christopher is obviously a girl, and they refered to her as subject c...
and i believe that the monster that they were talking about is God... much like in the screw tape letters where they refer to God as "the enemy"
"Thus, subject C, still “innocent”, will learn the thickness of true selfishness early on.
Combining our efforts, we can instill in her a love for self, perhaps as strong as her mother’s"
Subject C has to be a baby/toddler b/c the term innocent is used, and babies learn things "early on" and it usually sticks with them.
I don't about that Mystro...they refer to the monster as now dormant.
And remember that some people got letters about the center about the subject?
And most of the reports were negative for whatever diseases and such.
I think they're only saying they'll corrupt her more then the diseases did.
HAHAHA! ohhhh i thought i misspelled it on the comment, with 'paulo' instead of 'paolo' - cause 'paolo' was how i was trying it as a password. i'm glad i checked here one more time tonight.
And now I'm curious as to what the "none" email is...
10 15 2 a:g--------
Well what it sounds like to me is that this is a problem, because they said it not a concern and that the shall seek refuge in the dwindling of her parents. Maybe with the monster in there, there was less hope for the child & parents and easier access to them? Just a thought.
it sounds to me like christopher is the one whos talking, and subject c is a girl. and whoever is talking is obviously a moth.
good work drew, with the whole disease thing... didn't think about that.
Drew, those are old emails. The only new one is the first one, titled ==subject c.
so maybe they're goal is to make this thing feel only for self, and to do that they hurt it by taking evrything away. kinda like the origins of Doomsday, to create a ultimate self sufficient being
i dont know hawk... it's sounds to me like the survaillence of christopher...
so i'm thinking the 'concern of their labors' isn't physical but spiritual stuff. they don't mind that she's getting well as long as they can foster selfishness in her.
ahhh, I just realized that Kristin.
Thanks for correcting me.
I have a major headache and not thinking properly.
You're welcome =]
This seems to be getting closer to the end... The Death Heads are giving out much more information. But I'm still confused...
The 'monster' seems to be a sickness of some sort. In a sense, the deaths head seem to want to save her from sickness to use for their own end. And I think C=Christopher=the blond girl in the one picture.
Though maybe Christopher is the deaths head that is sending the transmission.
ah, and maybe the primary focus is an entire family?
and by saying that the primary focus was introduced into the 120, it doesn't necessarily mean the whole family- just one person/part of the family unit, which would affect the primary focus/family as a whole.
Eep, nona-face is me, which is Emily. I signed in finally =P
doesnt the survaillence of christopher mean thats the one whos talking?
hawk, that seems to be what we are 'supposed' to figure out in this message
Yea, I think we covered that Emily.
So now, I guess we wait for another clue?
This just leaves us needing more info.
Remember that mp3, "the truth"? I think that has something to do with this sickness they're talking about. Cause it said something in there about HIV and things like that...
maybe we should be thinking about those letters people got about the 'center' ?
crap. im always behind on stuff. oh well might as well repeat it ;-)
If you remember, it said:
"She's down the hall with Christopher"
in the "surveillance" mp3
Kristin, you're pretty much right. I think that could be valuable.
You're right about that Cory.
So is the child just Subject C?
I think subject C is a little girl who has an STD, and so does her mother.
Another thought...
"Her father is now aware of the touch his wife has felt many times over from the hands of another man."
So is his wife maybe a stripper or something at the 120, and on another email it said, "now that subject 3 has introduced the primary focus into the 120 for practical purposes, the condition of self has been ushered into a strong new era for her."
So is the mom subject 3?
So that leaves us again not knowing what the primary focus it a specific person or a group like Valerie said?
There's too many code names, I wish they'd just tell us who they're talking about.
wow you guys figured a lot out while i was gone!
i think we should start taking advantage of
let's see if we can consolidate all the info we have, sort out code names and theories... just so everyone can have a reference...
will someone please email me and catch me up, i havent been able to get on a computer since ive been working a kids youth church camp all week,
thanks a ton
ok, so here's what I've kinda put together, alright, Christopher's mom, works at the 120, i'm guessing as a dancer or whatever, subject 3 is of course the guy in the pic, is the other man besides Christopher's dad who has touched Christopher's mom, if that makes any sense
wait what pic? email it to me please... i must of missed it...
But it said subject 3 is a her.
off the subject: jon-eric, I saw that you are from a-town... so am I. Small world.
hmmm, that makes things confusing adrogynous maybe? ha ha JK
i agree with bryan, it would be good to have all our ideas in one place. i posted ALL the emails on giverny's blog. they're not all in date order, but they're organized by email, and they're all in one place... so maybe that will help us put some things together.
if anybody wants to get creative and put the pictures in where i've described them that'd be cool. =)
When did it ever say that subject 3 was a her?
Subject 3 from what we know so far is that fat bald man in the picture with the white box over his face.
Subject C was the one that was a female.
Maybe the picture is of the neon light woman and the man was put there to throw us off.
On on the email titled 120, "now that subject 3 has introduced the primary focus into the 120 for practical purposes, the condition of self has been ushered into a strong new era for her."
I assumed that it was talking about subject 3, and it sort of coincides with the new email that says "instill a love of self as strong as her mother's"
I think the "primary focus" is the her that the e-mail was referring to.
And the her in the second part was talking about Subject C.
Which reminds me, I'm pretty sure that Christopher is the Death Head moth that is watching the little girl, codenamed subject C. I think she's just codenamed that because it's "C"hristopher who is watching her, and they don't know her real name, or don't want to reveal her real name.
I agree with you completely, Matty B. The primary focus is definitely ths "she".
I just realized it said:
"Each focus is to be kept involved with self enough to nurture the condition of self."
So we do have CONCRETE evidence that there is more than one "focus."
And it says subject 3 will have an important role in the nurturing of the primary focus (at the 120). That tells me that by "nurturing" it, he's in essence making her selfish and wanting to be "sowing her wild oats". So, I think Subject 3 is having an affair with the primary focus.
I know I keep commenting, but you'll get over it.
it says "The 120 is a wonderful place for the succubi and our work there is en route"
So the heads are definitely not succubi.
IDK if anyone caught it, but the new email from iammyownmaster confirms our suspicions that the Heads (at least sometimes) take the form of moths.
"I hovered, whirring around a bulb while maintaining a tireless gaze on subject C."
who is "==unidentified==" at the 120? I just realize that Ona went off to dance with some guy.
I don't know if this makes sense, Ona was the only one who saw the killing floor and she also went to dance.
It says the primary focus was assigned to the DF (dance floor) and KF (killing floor).
So is Ona the primary focus? Are the KF and DF schemes to corrupt her?
There... I'm done.
Maybe you're right matty b?? I'm going to have to look at it some more? I can see how since the little girl is subject C, and the picture is titled christopher, that the little girl is probably assigned to Christopher.
Also, is it a possibility that the primary focus is the stripper mother then? And if subject 3 is the nose-picking man, then he would be "nurturing" the primary focus...
And maybe the unidentified guy is Rudkus?
But then it would've said Rudkus
I don't think the unidentified guy is Rudkus. Because just before Ona goes off to dance with unidentified Jurgis asks her "Hey, where is Rud?" So obviously Rudkus hasn't made an appearance yet.
matthew 6:10
Jamie...? What does that have to do with anything...??? Other than the title of the post
Oh who knows? Everytime I think i have something figured out, it goes down the toilet. haha.
How do I post a new blog on thirdpartydiscussion?
use the showbreadupdate email and password
this is probably nothing but ive gottena feww emails in my spam that have some interesting lines in htem as if they might be involved. the only downside is its a spam message for guys. but if you ignore the picture, it might connect
ahh ill just forward them to the update account and if no one agress with me you can delete them
I can't even tell what it is.
ahhh, i think it's just spam is all.
i put my new (and probably soon to be unlikely) theory on the
site, it would be great if anybody felt like agreeing with or challenging it. =)
I put the pictures in Valerie's post.
Oops I forgot to sign out.. but it was me that put the pictures in.
dustin-- i think the emails are just spam. not related.. just coincidence.
yeah I think it is just spam too.
Val, I think your theory is pretty realistic. I agree with you on it.
I'm not sure... It's different from what I was gathering, but it all kinda makes sense.
val's theory is pretty much what i said earlier... except i think that rudkus is with jurgis, not ona... and also, i think that jurgis and rudkus are on bad terms right now...
my reasoning for that, is because ona tells jurgis that rudkus is coming, and jurgis starts to feel uneasy and wants to leave...
but good work val!
actually ona says that rudkus never comes, and jurgis still wants to leave. that's from the sinai495 email.
to me it makes more sense that jurgis is trying to bring the subject of rudkus up to his wife ona. i think jurgis may be in a severed relationship of her own, but we don't know much about that yet.
cory- i just posted that verse cuz it didn't look like anyone had posted the specific verse, someone had just mentioned that it's from the lord's prayer
i've been busy with this student intership i'm doing at church so i really have NO CLUE what's been going on in the past couple posts...
This is what is throwing me off..
"There is a third party involved with surveillance, possibly in conjunction with the initial problem."
Who is the third party and what was the initial problem they are talking about? Am I missing something?
we're the third party, and the initial problem remains to be seen... but my personal thoughts are that the initial problem is God, at least for them... because most everybody here is Christian...but we dont know for sure yet
Hey, can someone put the transcript(s) from the mp3s on the rawrock militia site? Does anyone have them? I've looked at the other posts, but can't find a full length one.
Okay... I think this one's history... It's onto another clue before we can do anymore
so we are the third party?
that's what i thoughttt.
i was having a thought...
if the 004 has been sent to 'aid' us,
what does that mean? and what if... well, it's possible that one of the heads has a normal name (christopher) so maybe the 004 could be-
ha, nevermind. i don't want to know.
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