these are the benefits of modern technology.
i am many miles from home, writing songs in vancouver, washington.
i record demos and send them to the other guys in my band so they can work on them also.
good progress, but just the tip of the iceberg...
I'm incredibly excited to hear the new stuff. I can't wait!
Tech does rock. until one day it decides to nuke everyone.
i am excited to see what you guys come up with for this album. maybe a little bluegrass for constant evolution of the band?
JOSHHHHHH You rule and I miss the old Showbread site you had posted a poem there and I thought it was awesome and I can't even remember what it was. You should sell or give out a bunch of your poetry. Like in a book. I'd buy it...
CAN'T WAIT, CORNERSTONE, FL. At least I'll get to meet Ivory before he leaves.
Josh, you are amazing! You have the midas touch about you, I mean, anything you do just turns to gold. Keep on rocking with showbread and doing what you do.
So, how do you like washington?
supp bff. we need to video chat again so I can check out that hair cut. ya dig.
in vancouver huh? whatre you doing in our neck of the woods? want to hang out, go get some mongolian grill, go to a grand church? hit me up 360-921-6449 or teamextreme217j@hotmail.com
Hey JOsh.. can't wait until the next album.. God bless in allthe things you and the band do. Blessings
I wanna see ya guys live cause' the last time ya'll came to Spokane, WA my mom wouldn't let me go(actually, I've never seen ya guys at all before). Oh, well. I'm sad that Ivory is leaving, but I'm rejoicing that he's willing to folloe the call of God in his life. There's a lot to be learned from him. Oh, and Josh, when's the store release date for your book. I'm really hungry for it!!! God bless ya'll and keep ya safe!!!
dude. come down to wenatchee (WA).
nahh..just kidding.
one question though: what equipment/programs do you use?
and PS: great show with theFinalist in Seattle. but it was way too short.
i love that shirt.
a couple weeks ago the bass player in the worship band i play in was gone, so our keyboard dude played a moog instead. it was sweet.
sweet shirt. I love you.
you should post the lyrics for the song never an oceanographer, i love it and want to know what it says cause i'm going to be one maybe haha love your work :)
Bola from mexico, you should really come here, even if you dont play u can stay in my house
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